Kasion Femme Fatale "Femme"

(Fin Ch Respons Zodiak-Ten - Fi Ch Karvin Kimberley)
31.7.2005 - 29.11.2020

The sweet, loving, michievious, happy, loyal, talkative and hard working little girl. The cutest and most soulful doll face there is. Huge personality in a little package. The respected queen of our pack, kept even every visitor in order only with her character and charm. My big teacher, who gave me everything she had and tought me more than I can describe.
Always very healthy, and like her mom Femme left us very suddenly one morning at the age of 15 and half years.

Forever grateful, we miss You deeply... 🧡

Terveys /health:
Lonkat /hips B/B, kyynärät /elbows 0/0, silmät /eyes ok

Näyttelyt /shows:
Golden Special 2006 JUN1, PN-4, varasert /Best junior bitch, BB-4, reserve CAC
ROP- ja VSP-veteraani /BOB and BOS veteran
Paras narttu -sijoituksia /Best bitch placements

Kokeet /field trials:
NOU1 /qualified in the field
NOME-B AVO2 /cold game open class 2nd prize
Working test ALO2 /WT novice class 2nd prize
Golden Mestaruus 2014 avoimen luokan 3:ksi sijoittunut, luokan paras narttu, AVO2 /Golden Mastership 2014 third in open class, best open bitch,  2nd prize

Hyväksytty Golden Ringin luonnetesti /approved character test

Käytetään käytännön metsästyksessä /used in practical hunting

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