Uutisia 2023

27.1.2023 Pennut ovat syntyneet | The puppies are born
Yli kolmen vuoden tauon jälkeen meillä on pentuja! Yhdeksän pentua syntyivät perjantaina 27. tammikuuta, lisätietoja Pentuja-sivulta.
After over three years we finally have puppies! The litter was born on the 27th of January, more information on Puppies.
Uutisia 2019

1.11. Pennut ovat syntyneet | The puppies are born
Sennin ja Maxin pennut syntyivät 27. lokakuuta, lisätietoja Pentuja-sivulta.
Senni's and Maxi's puppies were born on the 27th of October, more information on Puppies.
1.10. Kasion Sol A Sol's results
Kasion Sol A Sol "Rocky" (Ch It's My Time de Ria Vela - Combine Skyline) and his owner Leena Siltanen have started their carrier with a bang during this fall. With two blood tracking test 1st prize from two tests they now moved to the winner class and they also have qualified in water rescue.
In September Rocky was shown for the first time and got an EXC in a huge open class in Golden Speciality show.
Congrats Rocky and Leena! What a team you are ❤